You start Citizen Sleeper by awakening in a freighter’s cargo hold fished out of the void of space by a scrap dealer. They represent how a commune of botanists helps the owner of a rundown bar achieve her dreams, how a community bands together when institutions inevitably screw them over, how a child nearly frozen solid in the vacuum of space can build a life worth living under the harsh artificial light of a ruined space station.Ĭitizen Sleeper from Jump Over the Age (developer of the 2020 cult hit In Other Waters) starts by showing you the web of data its characters are all caught in, gradually revealing that it’s also a net binding them together if they’ll only promise to catch each other when they fall. In another way - metaphorical but more real than any digital receipt - these threads represent the connections between people. Text messages, bank transactions, security logs are all there for you to sift through. These threads represent strings of data only you can see.

Inside, glittering threads weave through its halls, linking the people of the Eye: mechanics, smugglers, refugees, and street cooks alike. The massive circular space station known as the Eye hangs in deep space, still bearing the scars of a revolution.